Renton, Washington Smokehouse
Renton, WA Hot Smoking and Processing
Renton is home to our largest and most versatile locations within the company. At 78,000-square-feet, this building is home base to our Seattle wholesale distribution team, our hot-smoked salmon manufacturing divisions, and fresh and frozen processing line. We use state-of-the-art processing technology, including 10K skin-packing manufacturing capability for fresh and frozen fish. The facility also includes a secure refrigerated loading dock with 11 bay doors.
This plant is Safe Quality Food (SQF), and like all Ocean Beauty Seafoods facilities, is audited annually for safety. Our internal audit includes reviewing all Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), Standard Operating procedures (SOPs) and records associated with our Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) as well as a very robust facility inspection.
600 Powell Ave SW
Renton, WA 98507
Contact Info
Hours of Operation
M-F: 8:30am to 5:00 pm
Sat, Sun: Closed